The girl on the bus
My lord, I cry out loud
for forgiviness.
My way into happiness
It´s in vain, the wait.
My lord, the ugly girl on the bus
She is japanese.
She smells and makes me ill,
I sit so close to her
desfigured look.
I hate her.
I will, my will, my way
giving up it´s not a chance
What is cahnged, what is mine.
The light, the glow
Damned little japanese girl
Looking so ugly crossing down the streets.
The desire of the traffic lights,
It´s only red, yellow, green.
I wish it turned blue.
Downtown smells like soup,
That stink in the bus reminds me of you,
ugly little girl.
I wonder how would taste my pies when I become a grandmother;
Will my grandchildren
be as ugly as you ugly little girl?
For sure they wont be japanese;
What a shame!
I wish I could kill time,
Wish I could kill ugly girls like you.
The only girl I am allowed to kill
it´s me.
Oh Lord, how wise of you
for making me
as ugly as the girls I want to kill.
for forgiviness.
My way into happiness
It´s in vain, the wait.
My lord, the ugly girl on the bus
She is japanese.
She smells and makes me ill,
I sit so close to her
desfigured look.
I hate her.
I will, my will, my way
giving up it´s not a chance
What is cahnged, what is mine.
The light, the glow
Damned little japanese girl
Looking so ugly crossing down the streets.
The desire of the traffic lights,
It´s only red, yellow, green.
I wish it turned blue.
Downtown smells like soup,
That stink in the bus reminds me of you,
ugly little girl.
I wonder how would taste my pies when I become a grandmother;
Will my grandchildren
be as ugly as you ugly little girl?
For sure they wont be japanese;
What a shame!
I wish I could kill time,
Wish I could kill ugly girls like you.
The only girl I am allowed to kill
it´s me.
Oh Lord, how wise of you
for making me
as ugly as the girls I want to kill.